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    As a professional flower delivery service, we offer beautiful, hand-crafted arrangements for each of our local clients.
    Whether you require flower bouquets or our gift shop provisions, we have every service necessary for any occasion.
    Secret Rose Flower Shop supplies event flowers to make any celebration as memorable as possible in Houston, Texas.

Our Services

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Floral Arrangements

We specialize in custom floral arrangements, creating stunning flowers for any occasion.

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Special Event Flowers

Our company offers special event flowers for funerals, weddings, christenings, and weddings.

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Preserved Flowers

For the longest-lasting arrangements, we provide professionally dried and preserved flowers.

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Chocolate Shop

Secret Rose Flower Shop is also a chocolate shop, adding sweet additions to bouquets in Houston, TX.


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SAVE YOURSELF!!! Time, money and anxiety. Just order all your flower needs from Secret Rose.
I was needing a very unique flower arrangement in the shape of an electric guitar for a funeral. I looked and called all over Houston. The prices were outrageous, that is if they even wanted to try to make it. Most did not. I sent them pictures of what I was looking for. Secret Rose got back with me with 30 minutes and with a price that was extremely reasonable. I ordered the flowers and hoped they are were what I was wanting. I was brought to tears when I saw what they created for me. It was PERFECT! Pictures do not do it justice. Even the Funeral Director and my friends Mother asked about them because they were so beautiful and so ideal for my deceased friend. Odd to say but they were the talk of the funeral and how they truly honored him. So please do yourself a favor and let Secret Rose put your ideas into flowers for all the important occasions that life has for us.

star star star star star

Such a great experience setting up a flower delivery. Highly recommend!

star star star star star

Thank you so much for the amazing delivery of flowers

Contact Us

6427 Hillcroft St,
Houston, TX 77081

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